Lampião in the Sky


The performance “Lampião in the Sky” is the most recent play from the Cia Os Buriti in partnership with the Sobrevendo Company from São Paulo. Written  by Eliana Carneiro and directed by Luiz André Cherubini, the story begins from its ending: the tenant João Bezerra persecuting Lampião, a legendary figure from brazil`s Northeast history. The bandit gets shot on the heart and falls dead. In the sky, two clumsy angels are convoked. Their mission is to head down to earth and rescue Lampião, the dead,  and to prepare this new possible “host”  to the celestial world. Lampião no Céu  is a funny journey into brazilian imaginary.

The text won the prize “Selo Altamente Recomendável da FNLIJ – Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil”.

Technical File

Director: Luiz André Cherubini

Cast: Aury Porto, Eliana Carneiro e Naira Carneiro

Composition and live soundtrack execution:  Daniel Pitanga

Scenography: Marcelo Larrea

Light Designer: Camilo Soudant

Costume Designer: Eliana Carneiro e Naira Carneiro

Sound Designer: Lautaro Wlasenkov / Filipe Magalhães

Photography: Mauro Kury

Running time: 50min

Age group: +4

Realization: Os Buriti

Year: 2017