Buriti Caravan

Os Buriti carry the project Caravana Buriti – Arte Educação na estrada (Buriti Caravan – Art Education on the Road) since  2010. The caravan offers shows and free workshops  in public schools and squares in small towns and also focus in cities where violence rates are high, working directly with the children,teachers  and community.

The Caravana Buriti is an educational itinerant project aiming the development of art-education methodology that can inspire teacher to awaken children`s interests  towards arts and to foment creative processes in in citizenship practices.

The project visits public schools and develops activities inside the classrooms. There are also specific activities directed to the teachers. Shows  happening out-doors in squares are also offered to the local community.


The Caravana Buriti performs short sketches to the students in the classrooms as part of  workshops.

The company presents short music, dance doll theater and storytelling performances introducing different themes in the workshops so  teacher and students use them as part of their curriculum.

This way, the company pretends to awake the children`s interest for the arts awakening them for the next step in the immersion to be developed.

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