BLIMA – Images of the Sacred
Blima – Images of the Sacred is a theater dance solo from Eliana Carneiro in which dance become a ritual of connections with the multidimensional every sources mentioned in kabbalistic traditions, in sacred paintings from christian Renaissance, in the six world directions and nature elements.
The performance aims the symbolic and ritualistic gesture that crosses time and culture to reveal the unknown and the incommunicado. We go back to the origins of dance as a ritual and suggestive of the sacred in meanings for existence and body consciousness.
The body becomes a link of communication-interaction with the divine – with the “ineffable of mysteries” – the door to all altered states of consciousness.
Conception and Acting: Eliana Carneiro
Songs: Arvo Part, Behnam Manahedjl e Graham Fitkin
Light Design: Camilo Soudant e Tomate Saraiva
Photography: Ana Gilioli, Murilo de Paula, Olivier Boels, Débora Amorim, Mila Petrillo, Nilo Santos, Allan Taissuke e Mauro Kury
Eliana Carneiro veste Cristina Cordeiro
Running Time: 60min
Age Group: +12
Realization: Os Buriti
Year: 2012